Stakeholder Engagement

    推荐几个足彩外围app继续与利益相关方接触,并参与多方利益相关方论坛,以支持可持续棕榈油供应链的进展, and to protect forests and areas of high conservation value.

    Below are recent reports and responses to stakeholders. Follow the links to read more information or contact 

    The Forests Dialogue

    In October 2017, 推荐几个足彩外围app与来自15个国家的60名与会者一起参加了“森林对话”(The Forests Dialogue)——这是一个以耶鲁大学为基地的项目,旨在促进多方利益相关者就森林问题进行讨论——以了解非毁林供应链可以应用于西非和中非的情况, 特别是在寻求通过发展减轻深度贫困的森林茂密的国家. The group visited our palm plantation in 加蓬, as well as ecological cultural conservation areas, 推荐几个足彩外围app的发展和GRAINE项目周围的村庄.

    World Rainforest Movement


    Conserving 加蓬’s Cultural Heritage


    Protecting 加蓬's Biodiversity


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