保护森林 & 高度自然保育区

    在加蓬, 推荐几个足彩外围app在积极保护99号,000 ha of High Conservation Value (HCV) forest and other areas such as buffer zones; this is 50 percent of our overall oil palm concession area of 202,000 ha.

    自2011年以来,推荐几个足彩外围app的可持续棕榈油政策和生态景观政策阐明了推荐几个足彩外围app对保护森林和原始森林等高保护价值地区的承诺, 高碳储量森林(HCS), 高保育价值地区及泥炭地.

    We're the first company globally to meet the new HCV assessment requirements of the HCV Resource Network. 2015年,通过HCV评估员许可计划获得许可的评估员对Mouila地块3种植园进行了评估, 并通过独立的同行评审.

    In 2011 we were the first company to meet the RSPO’s new plantings requirements in 非洲 for the Awala plantation. All of our concessions are now RSPO certified making us the largest fully certified company in 非洲.

    对于推荐几个足彩外围app的种植园, 推荐几个足彩外围app只在萨凡纳经营, 擦洗, woody pioneer vegetation or logged-over forest areas where carbon stocks are significantly lower than mature forest. We do so only after a third-party assessment (based on a combination of stakeholder consultation, 激光雷达的映射, biodiversity surveys and forest inventories) with full public and expert consultation to confirm no presence of HCV, and that development will not have significant negative impacts on conservation in a broader landscape.


    推荐几个足彩外围app不会在任何湿地种植植物, including peat and we've taken the necessary steps to protect water bodies in and adjacent to the plantation areas. It's systematically checked through NPP site verification and various soil studies in all plantations.

    推荐几个足彩外围app很自豪地获得了2019年RSPO保护优秀奖,这是基于推荐几个足彩外围app对建立可持续油棕种植园的坚定承诺,通过森林保护产生净积极影响, 在加蓬进行大规模的物种保护和减排. 


    We fully recognise the importance of conserving biodiversity and preserving habitats of animal and plant species.

    在加蓬, 推荐几个足彩外围app正在为本地物种保护宝贵的自然栖息地,包括一些被世界自然保护联盟列为濒危物种的红色名录. 大象(IUCN-VU), 黑猩猩(IUCN-EN), gorilla (IUCN-CR) and forest buffalo (IUCN-LC) – as well as a host of lesser known protected, 稀有或特有的物种,如颈白眉猴, IUCN-EN) and slender-snouted crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus; IUCN-EN) – are protected by national regulation. 推荐几个足彩外围app在相邻的自然保护区之间规划了迁徙通道.

    We’ve conducted extensive biodiversity surveys during our Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, 在业务启动阶段进行补充调查, 指导土地利用规划, 分区及管理. 一旦开发完成, 将持续监测这些影响, 跟踪, and resurveyed every three to five years for better management of conservation objectives.  

    加蓬是世界上一半以上现存森林象的家园. We’re working to protect these animals and to prevent animal-human conflicts in local communities. 推荐几个足彩外围app与联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)合作开发了一种高效、人性化的传感器,它利用无害的光和噪音将大象引回保护区. 

    到目前为止, 已部署500个节点, 其中200个单元通过移动网络连接,以实现大种植区域内的实时在线监控. 这项研究活动是推荐几个足彩外围app整体大象管理战略的一部分, 增加对大象动作的理解, 设计和开发创新的方法来防止人类与野生动物的冲突, and to increase efficiency of the wildlife corridors that we have created across our concessions.


    监察推荐几个足彩外围app的大型自然保护区, 推荐几个足彩外围app与 国家公园管理局(ANPN)建立了长期合作关系。, 林业部,并与世界自然基金会加蓬合作. 自2018年以来, 推荐几个足彩外围app在所有特许经营区内推出了SMART(空间监测和报告工具),以系统地收集数据, 测量, 评估和改进优先 区域的保护工作. 推荐几个足彩外围app的HCV团队进行监测, 其中包括每个月10天,由 林业部和国家公园管理局的工作人员在每个地点进行. SMART工具允许团队记录HCV区域内的观察结果, 捕获的数据提供了野生动物种群的完整图景, 他们的活动和任何偷猎活动的迹象, 因此,对话努力可以 根据需要进行调整和部署.

    We’re collaborating with Agropolis Fondation and L’avion Jaune, 法国 in drone application.  在这个阶段, 推荐几个足彩外围app的无人机可以覆盖7个区域,000 ha per day and provide analysis for this area using in-house software with the capacity of 100 ha per hour. The drone has been used to monitor conservation area including riparian through automated and machine analysis. Any illegal encroachment and logging activities are reported to the relevant local authority. 

    We applied the use of advanced and innovative instruments for monitoring and prevention of human-wildlife conflict, 同时在其保育计划的每一个阶段,以有意义的方式积极地让当地社区参与.

    企业责任和可持续发展主管Christopher Stewart博士

    “We are pleased to have been the first company to field-test the HCS+ methodology in our own plantations, 能够为这项重要的研究做出贡献. 从一开始,推荐几个足彩外围app的目标就是发展尊重传统权利和保护生物多样性的油棕种植园, 高保育价值的森林和, 当然, 高碳储量森林."




    自2012年以来,推荐几个足彩外围app一直与独立科学家合作,测量推荐几个足彩外围app租赁的碳储量,作为推荐几个足彩外围app环境影响评估和后续工作的一部分, 推荐几个足彩外围app已经将这些数据提供给加蓬政府,以指导土地使用规划.

    There are several High Carbon Stock (HCS) initiatives in development that relate to our plantations. 首先, it's necessary for 加蓬 to set out how it will deliver on its UNFCCC commitment to conserve HCS forests. 其次, 由非政府组织和企业组成的国际多方利益相关者团体一直在整理必要的证据,以确定棕榈种植园和高森林国家的HCS.

    2015年12月, 高碳储量+科学研究是在推荐几个足彩外围app的Palm和加蓬政府的Mouila种植园对其方法进行独立测试后启动的, 证明碳中和的潜在可行性, 公平和透明的种植园. The methodology seeks a holistic approach that achieves carbon neutrality and protects biodiversity, ensures socio-economic benefits for local communities and achieves economic viability.

    作为由乔纳森·波利特爵士和约翰·雷森博士领导的独立HCS+技术委员会严格测试的一部分, 推荐几个足彩外围app提出其在加蓬的油棕业务,以“评估HCS+方法在现实世界条件下的可行性”。, 特别是对于像加蓬这样拥有广泛森林覆盖的国家.


    • 描绘HCS森林和土壤
    • Estimating the carbon balance of the concessions when applying the principle of carbon neutral development which includes the protection of set-aside HCV and HCS forests; and
    • Reviewing our socio-economic approach and comparing it to the recommendations of the HCS+ socio-economic methodology.

    The results demonstrated that it's technically possible to create carbon neutral plantations, 即使在像加蓬这样森林茂密的国家. 在推荐几个足彩外围app的例子中, 基于历史数据, 该方法估计穆伊拉种植园将修复大约1.300万吨碳(4.800万吨一氧化碳相当于)在第一个25年轮换期间.

    这是因为种植园主要是在大草原上(棕榈种植园比草原含有更多的碳)。, 以及在HCV地区保留的大面积砍伐森林(占推荐几个足彩外围app总特许面积的50%以上),这些森林在推荐几个足彩外围app管理的积极保护下,随着它们的再生和恢复,预计将固定大量的碳. This approach is key to the HCS methodology – rather than avoiding or given back HCV concession areas, 油棕公司因有效的保护工作而获得奖励, 帮助防止非法采伐和维持碳储量.

    The 推荐买球平台 HCS+ case study is published as an Appendix to the Independent Report of the Technical Committee. 见第76 - 101页. 

    While the debate continues around an HCS definition that can be applied across all growing countries, we now have a robust methodology to minimise or even eliminate any negative climate impacts of our own plantations. 推荐几个足彩外围app希望倡导零砍伐森林, 森林保护和碳中和农业最终将汇聚在一个单一的HCV-HCS框架上,这样整个行业就可以朝着客观可验证的100%可持续棕榈油的目标努力. 与此同时, 推荐几个足彩外围app将继续支持支撑HCS方法的科学和加蓬所需的土地使用政策,以实现推荐几个足彩外围app对森林保护的承诺.






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