

    在与Reji George的谈话中, VP Rice Nigeria, 推荐买球平台国际和Ben Odoemena博士, 国家方案干事, 联合国国际农业发展基金 (农发基金)- 2019年 P3 Impact Award 表彰对尼日利亚农业部门产生变革性影响的首批公私伙伴关系之一. 

    The Value Chain Development Program (VCDP) established in 2015 by Olam, 与尼日利亚政府和农发基金合作, is working to improve the livelihoods of smallholder rice farmers in Nigeria by increasing food security, 创造就业和开放市场准入.


    人口约2亿, Nigeria is the largest country in Africa but spends around US$6 billion on agricultural imports every year. As rice consumption in Nigeria continues to grow with the population, 尼日利亚联邦政府正在促进政策和投资,以确保农业生产与国内需求保持同步.

    Smallholders in Nigeria make up more than 70 per cent of the total farming population, 他们中的大多数人仍在从事自给自足的农业. FGN的目标是支持他们利用尼日利亚国内生产的潜力成为农业企业家. 政府的政策还确定,农业部门的转型对创造就业至关重要,包括对年轻人而言.

    推荐买球平台已经与超过22家公司密切合作,通过可持续发展方案帮助500名尼日利亚稻农, but delivering impact at scale requires looking beyond our four walls; to a space for all actors in the rice value chain to engage with each other and leverage our joint capacity to address the market, 生产和政策限制.

    The VCDP is a partnership between the Federal Government of Nigeria, IFAD and Olam. 它致力于将小农户与市场联系起来, land, 提供信贷和其他农业支持以提高生产力, the quality of their produce and their linkage with agro-processors for the buying of this produce. In turn, 这有助于政府实现将农业转变为青年人有利可图的事业和加强国内粮食安全的雄心. 



    Under VDCP, 农民组织成正式的团体, 他们可以通过它进入土地, extension services, and agri-inputs; essentially everything they need to increase their productivity and quality standards.

    Farmers also have better access to credit thanks to new partnerships with financial institutions, 同时接受培训,发展金融知识和商业管理技能,以参与市场并提供所需的数量和质量.

    该伙伴关系建立了商品联盟论坛(CAF),作为扩大VCDP的实施模式, 针对稻农和买家. 通过将农民与主要买家(如推荐买球平台)联系起来, financial institutions, 种子和化肥投入公司, and the government, VCDP empowers them to actively engage in business and policy discussions.

    这一伙伴关系还激励了其他行业和供应商与小农合作,改善农业实践. For example, 天气指数运营商和气象机构正在推广环保的气候智能型做法,以减轻每年的洪水. 


    What difference has this made for the farmers and other actors in the rice value chain? 

    Record keeping, business planning and connection to financial institutions have all been strengthened for 3,500个农业机构. To date, 3,292 purchase agreements have been signed between individual farmers’ organisations and major buyers. 新增农产品聚集中心, or storage facilities, 已经建造或修复了吗, 这种方法将收获后的损失减少了70%.

    Since VCDP’s inception, farmers have produced and marketed over 450,000 metric tons of rice. 对当地大米和木薯产品需求的激增产生了连锁反应,刺激了新的、有吸引力的生产就业机会, processing and marketing for young people and women in rural communities. In fact, 妇女占vdp受益人的40%, which is significant given the resource constraints are often even bigger for them.

    参与计划的农民看到他们的水稻产量增加了125%——从每公顷不到200吨增加到平均每公顷4吨.5吨/公顷——而木薯产量增长了66%. 70% of the 45,000名参与的小农户, processors and marketers are now linked to buyers and have guaranteed access to markets for their produce, 使他们的农业收入翻了一番. 三年后,大约是137美元.5 million from sales was deposited in the bank accounts of these farmers.

    看看整个行业的变化, 令人鼓舞的是,越来越多的小农与国内和国际农业企业结成伙伴关系并达成长期协议. 对许多农民来说,这是一个巨大的变化,使他们能够从自给自足的农业转向商业化农业. 

    The collaboration under VCDP brings mutual benefits – providing rice smallholders in Nigeria with support, allowing them to be more productive means they increase their incomes, 虽然持续和高质量的大米供应对进口替代和粮食安全方面的国家优先事项作出了重大贡献. 



    鉴于FGN的目标是让4000万人摆脱农村贫困, 推荐几个足彩外围app需要扩大推荐几个足彩外围app的范围. So working with the FGN and IFAD, we are now aiming to reach a further 55,000 smallholders. The next step is to expand the partnership beyond rice and cassava to other commodities and producers.

    To support this, we are looking to secure wider collaboration with other development partners, agri-business operators and sub-regional bodies to scale up the impact of the partnership. To enable this, 推荐几个足彩外围app已经组织了一次全国研讨会,并已经获得了国家和州政府的承诺,将这种伙伴关系推广到该国的新地区. 



    推荐几个足彩外围app非常自豪地看到,这种公私伙伴关系产生了变革性的影响,并具有重新构想整个农业价值链的潜力. The partnership is a win-win-win approach for farmers, Olam and our public sector partners. 然而,推荐几个足彩外围app知道还有很多事情要做. 实现这一目标对每个参与者都提出了挑战,要求他们做更多的工作来扩大该计划,以覆盖更多的小农,并扩大推荐几个足彩外围app的影响. 



    P3影响力奖由 Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and the U.S. 国务院全球伙伴关系办公室 to recognise and honour leading public-private partnerships (P3s) that improve communities and the world. 

